Suero Week is here! Three days with no food, totally awesome! Why? Because it is finally time to rest your digestive tract. Yes, your GI system could use a rest once and awhile. Following Biblical guidance has always been a desire of mine, so the idea of fasting is solid. But, once you add a little knowledge and understanding to this, you really get the value of it.
So, first value, as stated above, is to REST your digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract, has been under stress (the stress of work) multiplied by the stress of un-Godly food, nearly every single day of your life. For most of you, you have never intentionally rested it, which is why, I don’t care who you are, and how hard it is to do this, you need to do a suero cleanse. And like myself, you likely need to do it twice a year.
The Suero Viv is simply cultured Whey, not Whey… but the cultures from whey. It is an ancient beverage, that has been in use in Greek society since before Christ’s time. Loaded with probiotics that are living and growing, with a perfect balance of sodium and potassium to drive the sodium/potassium pump. This is the stuff that legends are made from!
OK, perhaps an over statement. But it is what you need to push nutrients in, and pull waste out. Which is why I recommend you do this to reduce inflammation, while still taking juice plus. BUT NO OTHER FOOD. No eating. You are going to HEAL your digestive tract, or at least begin the process. This is paramount to strengthening the gut to new levels.
The 60 Day Turnarounders begin the cleanse today, Monday the 19th. If you order by tonight, then you will receive yours this Friday, and can jump in next Monday the 26th, just in time for NO SWEETS WEEK. Make a statement in your life. Make a statement in your family, do the cleanse, become healthier, and push the inflammatory weight OUT of your body. I want this practice to be he healthiest practice in all of Atlanta. I need you to help us do that. We are going to change the Woodstock world over the next twelve months, and you WANT to be a part of this. God bless you for every effort and attempt you make at health. I ask Him to bless us all for our decisions, as we put Him front and center. As we lean on Him for healing, and we lean on Him for the hope that we need to combat cancer, heart disease, diabetes and so much more.
I am fired up for the potential we all have in our bodies. I have been blessed to walk alongside numerous miracles, and I pray for God to bless me with more.
Be well, Be blessed, and Be STRONG! – Dr. E
Suero Viv can be ordered her – Suero Viv on Youngevity
(we recommend you click sign up, then shop and browse for Beyond Organic products, Silver or Gold Suero Viv Cleanse)