Putting Off Health

Written by: Dr. Mark A few weeks ago I wanted to write about all the excuses we use to NOT pursue our health. Excuses to avoid the gym, to not eat healthy, or more likely to eat the UN-healthy. It was on my mind because I have “started” the Straight 60 plan a number of times, but didn’t have the commitment needed to stay with it. Then found myself in a place of saying “I’ll start after …..” The truth is I could come up with all sorts of reasons to wait to start the Straight 60. For me it […]

Dead Lifts

                  Image courtesy of: http://cruxcrush.com/2016/01/28/deadlifting-for-climbing/ The Deadlift Written by Dr. Mark If you’ve been in the office this week you probably heard Dr. Eric telling the story of the deadlifts. A 1 rep max was programmed at the gyms we attend (different gyms but same programming). A deadlift is fairly simple as you can see from the diagram above, you simple bend and pull the weight up to waist level, keeping your arms extended. This week I lifted 495 lbs. A new personal record (PR) for me which matched Dr. Eric’s previous PR, […]

Get Powered Up For The Summer!

Getting powered up for the summer means so many things.  First off… it means preparing starting RIGHT now, for a great summer, but taking strides with your health.  And when we break down those strides, that is when we figure out what it really means to get on a determined health plan! Diet – CUT the sugar.  It is way more fun to be part of the summer fun group, hitting the occasional cheat, but knowing you planned appropriately to keep yourself healthy.  Reducing inflammation, reducing toxicity, reducing anaerobic states in the body, and improving your insulin and leptin sensitivity, […]

The Failure of a Multi-Vitamin

“Count Colors, Not Calories” It is a saying in the world of phytonutrients.  It matters more on what it looks like you are eating, than it does on how much you are eating.  These statements point directly at the world of hidden nutrients.  We have our vitamins and we have our minerals, which are important.  But without the phytonutrients that drive bio-process, the usefulness of these vitamins declines. The government is driving the idea of five no starchy vegetables per day.  Yet research and anecdotal evidence have pointed towards the fact that you can get just as much value out […]

Juice Plus – Folic Acid vs Folate

Interesting story from today.  A distributor of mine (yes, I actually have a team of people out telling the world about Juice Plus, along with other things like the 60 Day Turnaround), sent me a text from someone complaining about juice plus because they saw it contained folic acid, not folate.  Which I found funny. Funny, because they likely didn’t do any research, just read it somewhere, saw it, “who knows” it… and responded.  So I thought, “huh, I don’t recall juice plus adding anything other than to assist in preserving, or in sustaining the capsule, what is this about?” […]

Miracle Supplement?

I am not sure how I stumbled on this supplement story today, these days it could be social media, google ads, spam… who knows.  But I was intrigued just enough to want to check it out, to see if it was a paid ad, or an actual article.  In the end, I still don’t know the answer to that question. The answer that I do have, is just how intriguing a story can be made by adding a few good references to the character and pedigree of the main character as it were… researcher in this case, and it creates […]

More on Milk

Written by Dr. Mark Referenced article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/03/08/switching-to-raw-milk.aspx   I recently wrote about milk, and talked about the sugar content and lack of fat in anything but whole milk, and compared it to any other sugary drink. So we should definitely avoid any reduced fat milk. But there was still some question about other milk, like whole milk or raw milk. Its still not simple yes or no, as with many things it depends on the consumer. But before I go there, the first question, raw vs. conventional. Raw milk is definitely preferred to conventional pasteurized milk. Besides the fact that it […]

The unknown causes of cancer

I have many discussions with people about cancer.  Either cancer patients who I am working with, or patients who have had prior cancers, or have a family member with cancer.  I realized last week that I have these questions/discussions every single day.  Last week the discussion came about lymphoma. “What causes lymphoma?” “I honestly don’t know.  Most of what I have read is non-descript, with little consistency from study to study, very little commitment to cause in the world of oncology, and even so in the world of alternative views of lymphoma.” “Are there known risk factors?” “Well, yes there […]


I did a workshop last night at Johnson Ferry Baptist church and one topic that I was asked to discuss were allergies.  Food allergies, respiratory allergies, skin allergies… plain old allergies.  Substances that when introduced into the body in some way shape or form, result in the inflammatory response that causes problems. I pulled up these graphs to help our discussion, as my focus was understanding how food can impact an allergy.  I think I dreamed about this topic as well… think.  I cannot pinpoint the dream, but nonetheless I woke with more in my head about allergies than when […]

The TOXIN within

I taught the Detox 1 Class this Wednesday night to my 60 Day Turnaround people.  I had a few ideas pop up for a Daily Sprout. One was to get deep into the idea of toxicity, and to get into the idea of detoxification, as it relates to the TOUGH toxins.  The ones that don’t just go away. Mercury, Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Uranium… all are persistent toxins.  Once they get into your system they don’t just come out easily.  The reality is that these toxins are potentially the worst causes of cancer as well as massive auto-immune conditions.   […]