
The Power of a Good Routine










By Dr. Mark Richards



Summer is nearing an end and things are going to start to be “normal” once again. I’m referring to my daily routines. During the school year I was doing great, I’d get myself up and dressed, get the kids up and dressed and on the bus, which would leave me a good 45 minutes to relax with a coffee and my Bible before heading off to work. My meals were pretty much the same throughout each day, with a planned dinner, that was healthy, tasty and aligned with my goals to pursue health.  I would get to the gym 4 days each week and I was accomplishing things with my health I never thought I would.  Everything was great.

I love routine, probably to a fault. My wife will tell you when she wants to throw something new into the mix, even something simple I always have that initial reaction to push against it because it will disrupt my precious routine. When summer hit, it was a major blow to my routine, and my health. We tried a number of times to get back to planning our meals, but it just didn’t happen. I’d get to the gym here and there, but not consistent at all. Add a vacation or two and then everything was a mess. To be honest though, I can’t blame summer and my lack of routine as the only reason I’ve struggled this summer, ultimately it was a lack of commitment, which I could say, my routine made up for that lack of commitment before, maybe.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the beginning of school, even though I’ll have to wake up an hour earlier every morning to get the kids ready, and fight with getting homework done in the very small window of time we’ll have each night with other activities. I’m looking forward to getting back that routine, and committing myself, and my routine back to my family’s and my health. I’d encourage you to do the same. If you’ve found you’ve been slipping with being committed to your health over the summer, use this time to create a new routine that makes the time for health. Make exercise a regular thing with a set spot in your week, plan your meals so you don’t fall into the trap of “quick and easy”, and be sure to get in and get adjusted on a regular basis to ensure you are functioning optimally. Don’t put this off. Get it started right, the first day of school get yourself back on track.

-Dr. Mark