
The Failure of a Multi-Vitamin

“Count Colors, Not Calories”

It is a saying in the world of phytonutrients.  It matters more on what it looks like you are eating, than it does on how much you are eating.  These statements point directly at the world of hidden nutrients.  We have our vitamins and we have our minerals, which are important.  But without the phytonutrients that drive bio-process, the usefulness of these vitamins declines.

The government is driving the idea of five no starchy vegetables per day.  Yet research and anecdotal evidence have pointed towards the fact that you can get just as much value out of the 13th serving of vegetables as you can out of the first serving.  That diminishing returns typically happen at 14.

Dr. Gerson has driven home some incredible stories of healing from cancer, through the Gerson Clinics utilizing the Gerson therapy.  Dr. Gerson’s therapy involves consuming volumes of juiced nutrients every day, to the tune of 30 servings a day of nutrition.

I would like to point this out, you cannot SUBSTITUTE vitamins and minerals for WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION.  It cannot be done.

So the failure, the absolute failure of the average multivitamin, or pre-natal vitamin, is that it has NO phytonutrition.  The list below drives home this point, as we review this list of phytonutrients, drives home the color equation, but also drives home the value of these nutrients because of the significant impact they have on our health.


So then I guess one could ask, “Why don’t we make pills of the phytonutrients too then?”  Well we do.  Of course the manufacturers of the world want to cell you quercetin, or turmeric as you might know it.  Others might want to cell you just the Indole-3-Carbonyl from the cruciferous family.

It makes sense that these are available in individual capsules, as there are people who will need MORE of these in order to get themselves healthy.  BUT… their first step should be to increase their intake of these through eating, and then through supplementing a WHOLE FOOD supplement. Enter Juice Plus.

Smartest people on the planet.

Well, maybe not the smartest people, but pretty smart.   Some of the coolest foods on the planet, juiced, dehydrated, with carbohydrate removed as possible, equals everything you need without the stuff you don’t, without leaving out the stuff you might need and not realize.

Consider these phytonutrients.  What if the goal was to now make a multivitamin with the phytonutrients in?  How about the enzymes that naturally occur in food?  Now you are missing those.  Or what if you find a product that juices like Juice Plus but they manufacture at 300 degrees?  What happens to your enzymes now?  Destruction.

I enjoy helping people eat better.  But I rarely can get anybody eating 13 servings a day, so that is why we start with Juice Plus.  Through testing, and consultation, we figure out what the other needs are.  Instead of relying on the combined education of 50 different articles about 50 different supplements, resulting in the consumption of piles of nutrients that now interact negatively with your gut.  I have seen WAY too many of these types of patients.

Usually they are coming out of the care of a naturopath.  Sorry to the naturopaths of the world, but many of them do not use the lens of creation in their process.  Looking through the lens of “What was God’s plan”?  By the way, 13 servings is today.  I don’t think that was God’s plan, but God didn’t plan for a farm with no crop rotation, or no time to let a field “heal” and restore its nutrients.  There is a world of loss happening, we are trying to fight that, and the knowledge is power.

I recommend you stop the multivitamin, and start the Juice Plus – It just makes sense.


Be well and Be blessed! – Dr. E