
Suero Viv Time!

Join us in a Suero Viv connection!  The 60 Day Turnaround people are all going into the Suero Viv three day, and you know what… you should too.  It is time, you have been trying to get yourself on track for health in 2016.  You might have been killing it up to now, and the big need is to keep yourself on track, move forward and stay strong.

Why the suero viv?  This is the question that I think needs answering so that you can both

A.  Choose to do it with wisdom and understanding, thus commitment.  And…

B.  Defend your reasons for doing it to the people around you who will simply have no idea.

We do this first and foremost, to simply give your digestive tract a rest.   I think the Biblical thinking was the same.  Rest is a universal theme throughout the Bible.  Take time to rest and heal, recover.  Give your body a break.  I am awful at the idea of truly resting, but I understand its value, so I have become really good at resting my digestion.  Taking three days to digest nothing, to let my gut heal.  You don’t know how fantastic it feels until you do it.

The next, GREAT reason is to reduce inflammation.  You are inflamed.  Trust me.  We all are, but to what extent is hard to determine.  I had a participant lose 20# in a few days on the Straight 60.  My diet of low inflammation.  That person dropped ten more with the suero viv cleanse.  I am confident they would have dropped 30# in three days with suero viv.  That is a sign that the body absolutely hates something you are eating.

What if you drop 1#?  Then great, only 1# of inflammation.   Get it?  It is a test that you take, more than just a healing effort, you are taking a test.  A test to determine your inflammation issues.

I have issues, ones that I can’t control.  No, not those types of issues.  I mean health issues.  I have a leg with varicose veins that I have tried to control through stretching and massage, through compression, through dietary perfection, through supplementation, through oils, and of course through chiropractic.  Doesn’t matter.  It has only gotten worse and worse over time.   The thing that i know for certain, is that when on the suero viv, it gets better.  A significant amount better.  Which makes you wonder… “can man live on suero viv alone?”  Sadly, the answer is absolutely not.  It is great for a period.  Three days… thirty days.  I am interested in trying to take a patient to 45 days… with monitoring.  But after that, nutrient needs must be met.

The point, reiterating from above, is to heal inflammation and heal the gut.

The diet that we do, is a healing diet.  You will be better served if you first heal the gut.  Fix that, and fix everything.

Order it now, and get on board with us.  $90 – ish, but you eat nothing else for three days, which saves most people money actually.


The cleanse itself is also a probiotic bomb.  With anywhere between 20 Billion and 40 Billion probiotics, it can move you very far along the path to health, just by drinking six bottles a day, you will load your gut with good bacteria.

Keep it simple though, remember the basic reasons,   Be well and Be blessed!

Dr. E