I wrote a daily sprout a week or so ago about this idea of putting it all together in terms of health. The major concept was that each of the 5 essentials of health are important, and necessary in the pursuit of health. What brought this on was my focus on getting right with my diet and exercise and neglecting my mind/stress, and detoxifying (nervous system health is the one I haven’t let slip, as it is the most important to have right to ensure the others can be as effective as possible).
I realized that I mentioned those 5 essentials in that last daily sprout, but I didn’t give any advice as to how to approach pursuing them or how we, Healthsprout, can assist you. We want to make sure you’re aware of everything we can offer you as a patient here.
First of all these daily sprouts are a great resource for information on different health topics. Feel free to take these home with you to reference. If you have a question about a specific topic you can check our website which has all our past daily sprouts. Just go to Healthsprout.com, click the tab that says Daily Sprout. The most recent will be at the top, to the right is the search box to put in whatever topic you’re interested in. Here you’ll find information on all 5 essentials.
Nutrition: A great starting point is the Straight 60 diet we teach. While nutritional needs vary from person to person, we all live in this culture, which means we all most likely suffer from sugar addiction at some level of insulin and leptin resistance. The rules and plenty of recipes can be found in the daily sprouts. We also partner with The Chef’s Table. This is a great way to get healthy meals, which are delivered to our office on a weekly basis. If you scroll to the bottom of the daily sprouts page you’ll find a link to order online. Many of these options are Straight 60 approved.
Exercise: Again I’ll point you to the daily sprouts where we have multiple daily workouts posted with instruction on proper movements. Also, feel free to ask us. Fitness is something we get excited about, we’d love to talk fitness with you.
Detox: We have a number of products we can suggest to you to help. Also following the diet we recommend will prevent bringing in more toxins.
Mind: In our office we’ll point you to God first. We’ll pray for you when its needed. Often Daily Sprouts will deal with topics to help de-stress. Also we have a class in the 60-day turnaround devoted just to the topic of stress management.
Nervous system health: This is the most important of the 5. Without this, the others will be in vain. If you’re a patient here, you’re already on the right path. Stay committed, do your exercises at home, and pay attention to your posture and this will be one of the best things in your pursuit of health.
So to put it all together again, if you’re looking for guidance in one of these areas, ask us and check out our past daily sprouts and definitely consider joining us for the 60-Day Turnaround coming at the end of September. This is really the best way to get on the right path for all 5 essentials of health.
-Dr. Mark