Recently I wrote about getting back into a routine once my kids started school. I was looking forward to getting back on track with my diet and exercise. This is only the 3rd day they’ve been in school and I have been getting back on tract already. The other day when I was thinking about this though, I realized I was only focusing on 2 of our 5 essentials that we teach. The 5 essentials to health are sound mind/spirit, exercise, nutrition, de-toxify, and optimized nervous system. I’ve just been focusing on getting the nutrition and exercise back. I haven’t fallen off with my nervous system since I get adjusted regularly and traction also. But I haven’t given much consideration to the other 2, mind and detoxify.
For me, the mind/spirit aspect really comes down to my relationship with God. Its pretty simple, when I tend to drift, I become more anxious and things just aren’t right. When I’ve got the most powerful being in our universe ready and willing to come along side me, why would I neglect that, and think I can do this on my own. So scheduling God time is a real must to make this work. If you’re not a God follower, this will look different for you, but you should still schedule yourself some quiet time to de-stress and get your mind in the right state.
The de-toxify part for now will just be to make sure I’m not taking more in. This will really come from just getting the nutrition right again, and just making a plan and committing to it. I’m exciting for what is to come.
In your pursuit of health, be sure to make room for the 5 essentials. If you need to, pick 1 first and get it down, and then move to the next. I’d recommend getting the nervous system optimized first, because if that’s not functioning, your other pursuits may be in vain. If you’re not sure how to go about this, I’d urge you to join us for the next 60-day turnaround. This will hit all 5 of these essential for health and definitely set you on the right path for your pursuit of health.
The next 60-Day Turnaround will start in September, watch for more info as we get closer to the date.
-Dr. Mark