Have you ever stopped to simply smile at the summer? When I was pre school aged children, it rarely mattered. The summer, just one part of the year when there is no rhyme or reason to our business flow. One day we are busy, then nobody for the next three. But now, well now, summer is a gift. A gift from God to give families time to get really tight.
I have already enjoyed so much time with my eldest, as she is reaching an age of greater maturity that has allowed me the freedom, to give her the freedom, to stay up later each night. Its been a ton of fun. These are the days of memory building, these are the days of freedom!!
The only problem… where does health fit in?
Health tends to go away most summers. The rules that we use to guide ourselves, to make wise decisions, these rules slip by the wayside, and then, before you know it, we are completely out of control. I know most of you have not completed a 60 Day Turnaround. Still in its relative infancy, I have probably only taken about 250 people through it thus far. But if you have some ideas of what I teach, you should consider applying some of these rules to your summer.
Take control of your decisions 5 out of 7 days, or 90% of the day. Something that keeps you on a path towards health with your diet. Then push your exercise up a notch, of course never forgetting that your spine and nervous system are everything as far as the base of health goes.
The Summer Rules
1. AVOID EXCESS SUGAR – make a plan for the day, if you know you plan on having ice cream that day, avoid all other high glycemic foods. Avoid grains and other rich sugars.
2. GO RAW – eat at least a full five servings of raw vegetables every day. They are fresh, healthy and tasty in the summer. If you push hard to increase your healthy diet now, it will carry on into the fall.
3. EXERCISE DAILY – the weather is encouraging, hit the exercise every day. Take it serious, and push yourself to get more out of your activity.
4. GET SUN – It is the best way to get your vitamin D up, and if you have read up on vitamin D, you realize that a significant percentage of the population is low in Vitamin D. Sunshine is the start, a steady but controlled dosage of sun is a key ingredient to health.
5. GROW YOUR OWN – If you are going to eat more raw, you might as well grow your own. This link is all you need to start up your own tower garden –
Mine is growing like crazy right now, it is perhaps one of the best investments you can make to have fresh CLEAN vegetables on your back deck all summer long!
6. DON’T FORGET TO SLEEP – Yeah, party pooper alert. As much as I miss a ton of sleep in the summer, I also try to make it up at other times. Enjoy your vacations but see about getting your sleep back while out of town. Sleep in, and try to be restful. Don’t just stay up late without trying to make up for it.
This should get you along pretty well, and keep you on track for health. Of course, as stated before, keep n track with perfecting your nervous system. Your nervous system controls it all.
Be well and be blessed. – Dr. E