
Miracle Supplement?

I am not sure how I stumbled on this supplement story today, these days it could be social media, google ads, spam… who knows.  But I was intrigued just enough to want to check it out, to see if it was a paid ad, or an actual article.  In the end, I still don’t know the answer to that question.

The answer that I do have, is just how intriguing a story can be made by adding a few good references to the character and pedigree of the main character as it were… researcher in this case, and it creates a pretty exciting story.

So the supplement that I am discussing, is a product designed to increase the sirtuins in the blood stream.  Sirtuin, as stated in this wikipedia article, basically are associated withe these processes:

Sirtuins have been implicated in influencing a wide range of cellular processes like aging, transcription, apoptosis, inflammation[7] and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations.[8] Sirtuins can also control circadian clocks and mitochondrial biogenesis.

What this means to you, is that through an increase in sirtuins, you will age slower, have more energy, have less inflammation, reduce your risk of heart disease, increase your likelihood of longevity, and will retain better hormonal function until you die.

Of course, it would make sense to increase sirtuins then.  Lets make a drug and go for it!  Well, basically, that is what this group has done, they have come up with the supplement that does just that.  But even though it is a supplement, as I looked closely, I think this product might deserve a spot on the pharmaceutical shelf.

It really comes down to how powerful the compound is, and how dangerous it is found to be… over time.

Efforts to develop a drug that can have the same effect, without the lack of calories, have been going on for the last two decades, including at Sirtris and GlaxoSmithKline. There are also natural compounds that elevate sirtuins—one is resveratrol, which is already sold as a dietary supplement today. Another is called NAD.

Resveratrol has been shown to be a safe supplement.  I like to get my resveratrol through my food and then my juice plus, as it is naturally occurring at good levels in those dark red/blue/purple fruits (vineyard blend).    NAD however, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is one of those compounds that just might cause a more significant increase in sirtuins than the average fermented grape.

But as I was alluding to earlier, it requires time to determine whether this compound belongs on a shelf that anybody has access to, or if it should be on a shelf that requires you to stop and say, “hmmmm, should I be taking this product?”

As you know, I pretty much hate the system of medicinal this and medicinal that, that rules our country.  But, I also appreciate that we should consider any substance one that needs to be put under a microscope if not simply food.  That is why I am so SLOW to support supplements.  I trust that God has a better plan, every time.  So, as I consider this new supplement, I find myself thinking, “it would be great in how it could help people… it seems high risk at this point in time… or perhaps it is just hyped and really will have minimal impact”.

Oh, by the way.  The most commonly researched way to increase sirtuins is to go on a reduced calorie diet.  A diet that in research has been a reduction in calories… carbohydrate calories (simply because that is what most people eat), to improve these numbers.   So, if you are intrigued by the idea of anti-aging through an increase in sirtuins.  Cut your calories.

Be well and Be blessed!  – Dr. E