A powerful word, with powerful consequence, powerful correction, powerful potential. Just about everyone has addictive tendencies, and most are addicted. Sugar. Whether it be sweets or blood sugar, we are an addicted group of people.
So often when I confront people with this addiction, the tendency is to respond…
“I don’t really like sweets”
Do you like bread, cereal, sandwiches, crackers, pretzels, biscuits, bagels, pasta or pancakes? If not, how about potatoes or perhaps you like eating bananas on a regular basis? It is rare to find someone not getting their sugar fix somehow… unless they have already gone down this road in an educated manner.
Most people really don’t know how addicted they are until they step into the 60 Day Turnaround and begin the effort to change. The first two weeks are often hell for people. Some give up. Most make it through and are simply amazed by what they find. Two weeks. That is the time frame that it takes incredible commitment, then it gets better, and if you make it through two weeks, I might tell you that you need to do it for two years. 60 Days is good for many, but so many need to stay on it for life.
But back to the word. Just saying it sounds ugly. Addiction. None of us like the word, hate the idea that it could apply to us somehow, wish we were free of it completely, and want nothing to do with admitting it. But in the world of sugar, we have let ourselves slide down this slope, not realizing how bad it really is.
Read this post online and there is a video linked so you can learn more about what sugar addiction does, because that becomes the real question. I have had patients in the last few months who have been diagnosed with cancers, where in every case I have to believe that the result of sugar addiction has played a role. Whether it be inflammation, or the result of increased irritation to tissues following that inflammation, it stems from the same thing.
Our efforts are important, there is still time to jump into the 60 Day Turnaround and do it with the group, but it needs to be now. The reality is that we have had people follow the program from all over the country, so you don’t need to be with our group. Just jump in.
Our team offers more specific help for $79 a month. Not a bad deal, or I do direct consulting with people as well. But, none of it matters if you aren’t willing to entertain that you need to fight this addiction, and that you can win. You want to test to see if you are serious?
Go here and get the rules, follow them for a couple days and see. Straight 60 Rules.
Be well and be blessed… and be free! – Dr. E