I did a workshop last night at Johnson Ferry Baptist church and one topic that I was asked to discuss were allergies. Food allergies, respiratory allergies, skin allergies… plain old allergies. Substances that when introduced into the body in some way shape or form, result in the inflammatory response that causes problems.
I pulled up these graphs to help our discussion, as my focus was understanding how food can impact an allergy. I think I dreamed about this topic as well… think. I cannot pinpoint the dream, but nonetheless I woke with more in my head about allergies than when I went to sleep. 🙂
This CDC graph shows us how significant the increase in prevalance has been in the allergy world with children.
With increases like this we have to assume something is wrong. Food related allergies are becoming a bigger and bigger nightmare, and in my estimation, they will continue to as long as the population continues to destroy their gut lining with toxic foods. GMO’s, preservatives, colors, and others. Gluten was never a problem, but it was always problematic.
What I mean is that gluten is an irritating molecule. It causes inflammation no matter what, but inflammation is still just inflammation, it isn’t an allergy. But… suddenly, we are in this place where the gluten problem is a serious problem with celiac patients growing at huge numbers. Nut allergies as well.
The cause.
Introducing a protein molecule into an intestine with no hope of keeping that protein inside the gut. Meaning, the individual has irritated their intestinal lining so much from their diet, from chemical ingestion, that the lining that protects you from absorbing these molecules is now letting them in. Once in the bloodstream the body sees this molecule as an attacker, and creates an antibody to the molecule.
Babies who have allergies the VERY FIRST TIME they are introduced a molecule, they immediately have an allergy. This is contrary to what all conventional wisdom has said about allergies, but we now understand that these molecules have likely passed into this child many times. Through a mom who irritated her gut (think red drinks from the gas station, think trans fats in the chocolates that mom was eating, think arsenic in the chicken you buy from Chick-fil-a), and then continued to eat these molecules during pregnancy.
WHY doesn’t mom have allergies though? Her body has identified this food as food so many times before the gut irritation, that her body knows it is food. This is the reason why somebody with pollen allergies can reduce the impact in many cases by eating bee pollen. You re-train your body to see it as food, not as an attack.
In this situation, the one above with in utero allergy training occurring, it is hard to reverse this trend. So what about those other allergies, respiratory, skin? The reality is that food allergies tend to drive the other allergies more than people realize. The irritation that comes through the gut is systemic.
The gut needs to be healed.
Healing has many appearances and multiple directions. allergytest.co is a good test to start with and see what you shouldn’t be eating. Also – you should consider the suero viv cleanse – http://healthsprout.youngevityonline.com/
From there, if you have questions, do a consult with me. Or, just begin to eliminate foods and see what happens. Life change is what I would expect.
Be Blessed and Be Well! – Dr. E