
A Call For Help!

This weekend is The Firebreather Challenge, which is put on by me.  Yeah, I am distracted, why?  Because I love looking down the lens of health from every angle.  I like driving it down from all directions.

With the Firebreather Challenge coming, a question surfaces… “why do I do these?”  Because of posts like this on our facebook page!

Michael Winkle's photo.

Michael Winkle This day changed my life. I finished my first race ever. I was overweight, broke from putting 2 children through college, and had let myself go after my career with the US Navy. I finished this race and gained confidence, pride and my lost CAN DO spirit. I’ve raced 5 races since then, and I feel better and live better. Thank you FBC! You saved me.

For similar reasons, I run off to The High Hampton Inn to host wellness retreats.  You would be amazed at some of the follow up stories I have heard from the attendants of those retreats.

But right now, my call for help, as I titled this Daily Sprout, is to get you to come out this weekend and help me out either Saturday or Sunday with The Firebreather Challenge.  I need volunteers, a bunch more of them!

Oh, by the way, it is a cool obstacle course race here in town at Rope Mill Park.  So if you want to run it, check it out at FirebreatherChallenge.com but come in and sign up in person to reduce cost to $45 from $95!  It is really cool to be able to experience the life change that happens to so many, simply from pushing themselves!

So I hope you will take me up on that by reaching out to me, or to Claire at Claire@FirebreatherChallenge.com

Next – look at the High Hampton Inn and the October 7-10th Wellness Retreat.

Lastly – Please send me the number one health priority you have for the balance of 2013!  I want to compile a list of areas that you specifically need help in, so that I can be of the greatest help!  DrEric@HealthSprout.com

Life is an adventure of amazing proportions.  Be prepared for it, and enjoy it, while blessing others!  Be Well and Be Blessed!  – Dr. E