
60 Day Turnaround is HERE!!!!!

It is finally time to really dig in, to sink your teeth into the right path!  #rightpath (if you were wondering just how to share to the world your new crazy cool focus… laser)

Sorry, I get carried away with excitement sometimes.  So, here we are, you might have gone grain free for 60 days, or for some of you, years.  But have you gone dairy free that long?  Well of course you have you say.  Who hasn’t avoided dairy for a year or so at some point just to see if all the hype is true.

But how about dairy and grain free, followed by no root vegetables and no legumes (well a couple), and ultimately we want to be sure we don’t forget that there is only a handful of berries a day… no bananas, no grapes.  Now you are talking serious sugar correction, and really, the only thing that MUST happen to pave the way to a lifetime of health, prior to the next steps.

You might be scratching your head.  So lets break it down.

This Wednesday we begin the process of understanding the steps to correct sugar addiction, to then pave the way to a balanced diet that is RICH in nutrients, and allows you to enjoy cultural foods, without collapsing into the cultural trap.  This is the process of building health, understanding the steps to prevent disease, and to elevate your energy and your quality of life.

Be sure to watch Foundations I first – Foundations

The 60 day involves workshops, shopping trips, recipe night, and some exercise education.  It is designed to be a lifetime of change in 60 Days.  Just check out the awesome testimonials :  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKg_DazQBa74TYtmNcV5s6Q

(subscribe to our youtube channel now to see the new videos that will be uploaded over the next 60 Days)

It can also be done from anywhere in the world, many have, and many more will.  Just sign up here – https://squareup.com/market/healthsprout-llc/day-turnaround?square_lead=item_embed

I am excited to bring the start to this great path this Wednesday, the path that:

  • brings weight loss to those who need it
  • brings energy
  • reduces inflammation
  • builds lean muscle
  • brings increased nutrient density
  • brings increased detoxification
  • stops disease and begins to reverse it
  • balances hormones

This is just a taste of what is happening in your body during the 60 Day Turnaround.  Be excited and be motivated, and be well!

– Dr. E