Real Stories

Katy’s Story

This is the story of Katy – 38 years old, a wife, a mother of four, a free-lance graphic designer

Here’s her 60 Day Turnaround story…


“I had two goals when I started the 60 Day Turnaround program:

First, to lose weight. I’d had four kids, including a set of twins.  My entire adult life, I’d felt like it was a struggle to stay at a healthy weight. I felt unhealthy, weighed the most I’d ever weighed, and wanted to change that.  Not just for me, but to set a good example for my children.  I wanted to get off the “diet & exercise” roller coaster!  I just wanted something simple that would actually work!

My second goal was to see if the 60 Day Turnaround would help with a skin condition I’ve had since I was in high school, called “tinea versicolor,” that causes a blotchy rash to appear on my back.  Apparently it’s hereditary.  And it had gotten to the point where it was obvious and I was embarrassed to show my back.  I went to the dermatologist to see if there was anything I could do to get rid of my skin condition and they told me, “Not really. You’re just one of the lucky ones that will have to deal with it your entire life.” and handed me a prescription ointment.  I didn’t actually use the ointment.  I decided to see if the program would work first.

So I started to program as an experiment to see if my diet would in fact help my skin condition. And it did! Within 2 weeks my back wasn’t itchy anymore and the rash was gone!!! I could wear tank tops again and not be embarrassed!

I also lost 20 pounds in two months!  My cravings were gone, my head was clearer than ever, my skin was clear and I felt great! Not only did the 60 Day Turnaround help me achieve my goals, but I had never felt healthier!”

A few things I learned while going through the 60 days:

  • If you can get through the first three days without sugar, you are good to go!
  • It takes about 2 weeks to get over the “hump”
  • After about 2 weeks, the cravings go away, which is the best part – no more cravings!
  • Keep your pantry and fridge stocked with healthy snacks to munch on for those “weak” times
  • Water, water and lots of water!
  • JuicePlus+ is awesome and a great way to get all the veggies in! (Ask Dr. Eric about it!)
  • An easy breakfast or snack is a quick protein shake (I use the Maximized Living Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder – also ask Dr. Eric!)