You are not healthy if you are not fit.

Sorry, it is true.

So many people have looked for ways around this reality, but longevity is correlated to fitness, and disease is also in inverse relationship to fitness, or direct relationship with obesity and sedentary living.  The question then, just as I have been asking for the last decade in my regular health workshop, “Who is responsible for your health?”

The question would seem to ask you what person is responsible for your health, when the reality of the question is that it is asking ARE YOU REALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH?  Meaning, do you take daily responsibility for it?  What are you doing today?  What did you do yesterday, plans for tomorrow.

DO NOT tell me in one breath that you are concerned with your health, then in the next breath do nothing for it.  I have seen this so many times over the years.  Words without works do nothing for you when it comes to health, so lets see if we can figure out how to make sure that there is desire for health as well as action.

Let’s consider exercise.  I have many opinions on what is good and what is great, and what is no good.  The reality is that it is better to do something than nothing, no matter what.  But then it is important to understand what is better and best as well.  I want to speak to running first.  Runners.  The group of people I speak of are those who have abandoned all other forms of fitness to run.  Sadly, you are not fit.  You have great endurance, but if you are only a runner, you are not fit.  Is your core so weak that you stand bent forward, pitched towards the floor?  Is a sit-up an impossible stretch for you?  How many push-ups can you do?  Again, this is a better level of fitness than somebody who does nothing, but how close are you to being able to do nothing outside of run?  Be sure that if you are a runner, you have not abandoned all other forms of fitness.  That would be an awful reality.

“So what to do?  CrossFit?  Dr. Eric are you telling me that CrossFit is the only answer for fitness?”

No, I am not saying this.  But I am saying that the best focus for fitness, is intensity.  Intensity applied to all areas of your body.  Running therefore is fine, as long as it is apportioned appropriately alongside of other areas of focus.  Running at intensity that is.  If you run miles on end at a pace that is less than intense, give it up.  But even if you do it at intensity, you need to find other ways to push your fitness as well.

100 Push-ups for time.

Sure that might be a lot for many, but perhaps you start at 20, and you attack those push-ups like it is the most important thing in your life.  This is intensity.

Squats, lunges, sit-ups, pull-ups… carrying heavy objects, lifting them… this is the fitness of function.  The fitness that lets you do life better.  And you can add it in, at intensity, in a VERY short amount of time.

I just want to pause and be clear before moving into our workout of the week –

I am NOT against running, and I would lump running in with cycling, or any other straight “cardio” activity.  I am simply saying that you need more.  And here are your reasons why.

  • Growth Hormone
  • Testosterone
  • Lean Muscle Mass
  • Insulin Sensitivity
  • Increased HDL’s
  • VO2 Max

From an article in Dr. Mercola’s library –

If you ask Sy Perlis, who broke a weightlifting record at the age of 91, or Tao Porchon-Lynch, who won ballroom dance competitions and taught multiple yoga classes a week at age 94, your chronological age really is just a number.

How your body and mind work at the age of 60, 70, 80, and beyond is the result of a small part genetics and a large part lifestyle habits, particularly those that have persisted over the years.

It can therefore be difficult to estimate your longevity based on your chronological age alone, as someone in their 80s could easily be healthier than someone in their 70s, depending on their diet, exercise habits, and outlook on life.

A better indicator of longevity than your chronological age, according to researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, may be your fitness age.

This just begins the investigation into what the correct exercise can do for you.  The goal for this study, was to increase cardiovascular output potential, which requires a new VO2 Max, but much more.

Fitness age is based on the concept of VO2max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen you can take in while exercising. Your VO2max can be used as a measure of cardiovascular endurance; if yours is below average compared to other people your age, it means your fitness age is actually greater than your chronological age.    <Here is the article link – >

This is what we want to dig in on for a minute.  So how do you improve VO2 Max?  The answer is intensity.  An example, Lance Armstrong has tested as one of the most incredible VO2 Max levels of all people tested.  At first glance you might assume that the reason is because of hours of cardio, but the reality is that it was hours of INTENSITY.  Intensity is what drove this, he pushed when he trained harder than you will be able to push yourself over ten minutes.  So don’t get caught up in the time put in, get caught up in the intensity put in.

If you operate at 60% of your VO2 Max over an hour, you are nowhere near intensity, and you gain some cardiovascular increase, with a tiny potential blip up in your VO2 Max.  But if you push yourself to 100% intensity, to the maximal output, even for only a few minutes, you will do more to drive that VO2 Max up, than many hours at 60%.  So, here is what we are going to do in order to push your VO2 Max up, increase your growth hormone, and testosterone, as well as HDL’s  all at the same time.


Start a clock and you will work in a Tabata Style but with a bit more rest (Tabata is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest), so plan on working for 30 seconds, then resting for 30 seconds.  Your clock will be for ten minutes, and your work will be any and all of the following:

Push-ups, Squats, Sit-ups, Lunges, Jumping Jacks, Jumping Rope, etc

You pick whatever movement(s) you want to do, and change them out as often as you want.  You will have 10 times to do work, so do it as hard as you possibly can.  This is intensity, this is what will change you.

Hope I didn’t offend anyone too much.  🙂

Be well and Be blessed!  – Dr. E

60 in 2

What is it?

The 60 in 2 is the 60 Day Turnaround, nuts and bolts, broken down into two hours.  All it takes is a lot of focus, and 2 hours to take notes, and then commitment to make some changes.

Saturday May 30th from 9am to 11am at Bread Beckers.

The 60 Day Turnaround has produced some awesome results in helping those who are weight loss resistant, as well as those who need hormonal balance and health improvement.  The path to achieve these results is the same, it is a diet focused on healing hormonal function.  The results will help almost everyone.

With the summer coming, who could expect to be perfect on a diet that lets you eat nothing that turns to sugar?  I know, I know… very difficult.  But, what if we could get you fired up enough, just enough to get you to make wiser decisions all summer long.  Not perfect, but wiser.  Where does that leave you come September?

The next 60 Day Turnaround will begin September 29th (Tuesday), with meetings held every Tuesday night.  This is the way you get the WHOLE value of the 60 Day Turnaround.  The diet details are deep, the time spent on shopping excursions, understanding detoxification, getting deeper into new levels of knowledge, so that the rules fade away, and your understanding becomes the new rule.

Does GMO matter?  If it does, should you ever eat a corn chip at a Mexican restaurant again?  If you do, what then?  This is where you want to have knowledge to protect you.

60 in 2 is a new concept for me, well not totally new, I have done one day events in the past, but the whole point of the 60 Day Turnaround, was that after 40 days of education, people had more questions.  60 Days to kill the questions.  So how can we do a good job in 2 hours?  Come check it out, we hit the high points, we point you in a direction, and we turn you loose to be wiser in the summer.  Period.  No frills.

So if you want to come to the 60 in 2 on Saturday May 30th, at Bread Beckers, then click here to REGISTER.  (Free to HealthSprout Care Plan Patients, $12 early registration, $17 registration at the door)

Be well and Be blessed!  See you soon – Dr. E

OILS 101 – Coming to you…

This Wednesday night in office, we’ll have an OILS 101 class being led by Verity McCann with forward by Dr. Eric.  This is a great way to cap off an awesome day in office, yes, once again we are into a cool themed day… BEACH DAY!  The office will be decked out to feel like the beach.  Beach clothes, beach music, beach everything.   Come in and enjoy the beach!

We do these days, because we want to make it easy and inviting for new people to learn about who we are and what we do.  But the reality is that this week, the real focus is on the Oils workshop, which will help you understand the basic uses for oils.  As you know, I am not a fan of treating, but when you have to do something to treat, I think starting with dietary methods and external or internal application of essential oils makes a ton of sense.

I recall the scripture that drove me into healing revivals when I lost my eye sight –

Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. – James 5:14

I don’t think the oil was the healing property.  Just like I joke about Jesus touching people to heal them… as a chiropractor, I would love for the touch to have been him re-aligning the spine, but I doubt that was the case.  However, he did use touch in almost every situations (Centurion and Lazarus are a bit unique), making a profound statement about touching.

Likewise, though I don’t believe this passage from James is suggesting that you have to run out to find the correct oil… James is saying that you need to follow this process, and the process involves oils.  I think it is strong enough to say we should understand oils, more like a first century Christian might.  And that ays a lot about where we should be with oils relative to drugs.

Reminder – who among you aspires to be on more medications?  Who plans out a path to be drugged up?  Who among you is looking for ways to position yourselves in a world of symptoms?  Then why is the medication a good way for you to live?  You wouldn’t choose it on your own, you require sickness to put you on it, yet you know taking it would make you sick.  Do you not see the need for the things we offer?

A Nervous System that is functioning optimally.

Nutrition providing the opportunity for tissues to heal.

Oils and or herbs and other supplements that can relieve symptoms and assist in body function enough to provide freedom from debilitating conditions. Make it into the office this Wedesday night, and forward this Sprout to someone who needs to come get checked out (FREE that day)!

And don’t forget the 30th!  See you at 60 in 2!  (60 Day Turnaround in 2 hours, free to you!)

You can register as a guest for $12, Free if you are in in office care plan patient, or it will go up to $18 per person in another week!  – Register here – 60 In 2

That is all for now… Stay the course and spread the news!  Be well and Be blessed!! – Dr. E

Why Girls Are Starting Puberty Early


Maron, Dina. (2015). Why Girls Are Starting Puterty Early.  Scientific America, May 2015.

For the past two decades scientists have been trying to unravel a mystery in young girls. Breast development, typical of 11-year-olds a generation ago, is now occurring in more seven-year-olds and, rarely, even in three-year-olds. That precocious development, scientists fear, may increase their risk for cancer or other illnesses later in life. Time has not resolved the puzzle, nor is there any indication that this trend is slowing. More and more families are finding themselves in the strange position of juggling stuffed animals and puberty talks with their first and second graders. 

The big question is, what is causing this to happen? First, what causes puberty to begin? It starts in the brain. Something causes the brain to release gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which signals the pituitary gland, which acts on the ovaries which eventually start producing estrogen. Estrogen begins the process of puberty. However, fat cells also produce estrogen. Obesity is thought to be the main reason there is this trend of girls starting puberty early. This makes logical sense since childhood obesity has over doubled in the last 30 years in our country.  So this makes sense, that having an increased amount of fat cells at a younger age, that are producing estrogen, will cause early puberty.

Although researchers agree that obesity plays the central role in the earlier development of puberty, there is evidence implicating other factors as well. Researchers have long suspected that exposure to certain compounds known as endocrine disruptors might have a part in triggering early puberty. These substances, among them pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and biphenol A, mimic the effects of estrogen in the body – and so could potentially stimulate early breast growth. Because the body often stores chemicals in fat cells, an overweight girl is more likely to be exposed to more chemicals – making it difficult to apportion blame between endocrine disruptors and weight gain. Other investigators have implicated intense stresses in childhood. 

This, along with most diseases or conditions, that our country is being plagued with more and more, seems to have many “causes.” It is very similar to the autism debate, what causes autism? I don’t think there is 1 single cause that can account for the rates of these conditions rising like never before. Our culture of over medicating, sedentary lifestyles (which destroy your spine), anti-bacterial everything, overly processed high in sugar foods, etc are all to blame.

So whats the answer? The author of this article offers some common sense ways to try to prevent early puberty in your daughters. Mainly, having regular exercise and eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. But there has to be more. Fruits and vegetables are great, but some are so pesticide rich, they can also be contributing to this trend. Organic is a must with certain foods. Go here to see a list of pesticide rich foods that should be bought organic: Juice plus is another great way to ensure you and your family are eating enough clean fruits and vegetables. Check that out here:  Eliminating processed foods is also something that everyone should be working towards. And of course everyone needs to have an optimally  functioning nervous system free from interference from a misaligned spine.

My guess is most people wont read this and decide make their children eat organic, exercise, and have their spines checked, out of fear of early puberty. However, I would hope that you will choose to eat this way, and live this way because you are pursuing health. The pursuit of health will be your method of prevention of more than just early puberty.

-Dr. Mark



Dr. Mercola – Driving GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup off the Market

For today’s post I am doing a partial re-print of Dr. Mercola’s recent article – I would love for you to go to their site and read the full article.  This is a battle that I take very seriously.   Keep your education high, the climate is changing constantly, here is the link to the full article –


By Ronnie Cummins

Since genetically engineered (GE) crops, foods, and animal drugs were brazenly forced onto the market in 1994 by Monsanto and the FDA, with neither pre-market safety testing nor labels required, consumers and small farmers worldwide have mobilized to ban, label, or boycott these controversial “Frankenfoods.”

With mounting scientific evidence1 underlining the human health and environmental toxicity of GE foods, and growing alarm over the toxic pesticides such as Monsanto’s Roundup that invariably accompany genetically modified organisms (GMOs), currently 64 nations require mandatory labeling of GMOs.

Numerous states and regions in the European Union, and several dozen entire nations, including Switzerland, Australia, Austria, China, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, and Russia, have banned GMO crops altogether.2

In the European Union (EU), where mandatory labeling laws are in effect, little or no GMO crops or food are on the market (except for imported GMO animal feed). In addition to banning GMOs, a growing number of countries, including El Salvador and Sri Lanka, have begun to ban the use of Monsanto’s Roundup.

This  toxic herbicide is sprayed heavily on 84 percent of all GMO crops, and increasingly applied as a pre-harvest desiccant, or drying agent, on scores of other non-GMO crops including wheat, rice, beans, potatoes, barley, oats, flax, peas, lentils, and sugar cane.

Even in the US where 168 million acres of GE crops are under cultivation (including 90 percent or more of all corn, soy, cotton, canola, and sugar beets), survey after survey has shown that Americans, especially mothers and parents of small children, are either suspicious of, or alarmed by, unlabeled GMOs.

This is understandable given the toxic track records of the chemical companies pushing this technology (Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Dupont, BASF, and Bayer), as well as the mounting scientific evidence that these controversial foods and crops—and the toxic herbicides and insecticides sprayed on them or laced into their cells—severely damage or kill birds, bees, butterflies, lab rats, farm animals, and humans.

Currently US regulatory agencies, in sharp contrast to Europe, rely on industry’s own indentured scientists to determine whether GMOs—and the toxic chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers that accompany their use—are “safe” for human health, animals, the environment, and the climate.

Meanwhile mass media journalists and food industry representatives monotonously regurgitate Monsanto’s dangerous mantra: Genetically engineered foods and crops are just as safe as “conventional” foods and crops, and there is no “mainstream scientific evidence” that GMOs are dangerous.

Consumers Want Genetically Engineered Foods to Be Labeled

Polls consistently indicate that 90 percent of Americans want to know whether or not their food has been genetically engineered, even though massive lobbying and advertising by the GMO lobby has prevented labeling laws from passing at the federal level and in most US states.

The notable exceptions are mandatory GMO fish labels in Alaska (passed in 2005) and mandatory food labels in Vermont (passed in 2014). In addition nine counties in the US have banned the cultivation of GMOs.

Stimulating demands for GMO labeling or bans, the prestigious IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) of the World Health Organization published a report3 in March 2015 declaring that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide (active agent glyphosate), sprayed heavily on 84 percent of all GMO crops (including soy, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets) is a “probable carcinogen.”

After reviewing 44 scientific studies, half of the IARC panel thought that that glyphosate should be classified as a Group 1 “known carcinogen,” with the other half opting for a Group 2 “probable carcinogen” rating.

Given the fact that new peer-reviewed studies damning glyphosate are being published nearly every week, the IARC may very well reclassify glyphosate as a “known carcinogen” in the near future.

Conscious Consumers Wield Enormous Power

While continuing to push for mandatory labeling, stringent safety-testing and outright bans on GMOs, glyphosate, and other toxic chemicals and animal drugs, consumers need to understand that their purchasing power in itself has major potential to marginalize or drive GMOs and pesticides out of the marketplace altogether.

In the US, consumer pressure has prompted the nation’s largest retailer of organic and natural foods, Whole Foods Market (WFM), to announce that all 40,000 or so food items in their stores will have to be labeled by 2018 if they contain GMOs. This labeling policy includes meat, eggs, dairy, and all deli or take-out items.

Again, although this policy will only affect the 40,000 or so food products sold in WFM stores, brands selling to Whole Foods will suffer a public relations disaster if they are forced to label their items in WFM as GMO-tainted, but then refuse to do so in other stores.

Many of the thousands of suppliers to Whole Foods are now racing to get GMOs out of their products so they won’t have to put the proverbial GMO “skull and crossbones” on their products in 2018.

Other natural food chains such as the Natural Grocer are following in Whole Foods’ footsteps, either banning or requiring mandatory labels on all GMO and GMO-derived foods.

On the restaurant front, consumer pressure has forced the highly profitable Chipotle restaurant chain to make a similar promise. Other grocery brands and restaurant chains (most of whom are watching their profits decrease, while WFM’s and Chipotle’s rise) will shortly be facing enormous pressures from their customers to do the same.


Remember to read the rest of this article, and to take sides in the fight for health!

Be well and Be blessed! – Dr. E

Daily Workout

Here’s a great workout for you to try. I did this in my hotel room when I was in Disney a few weeks ago. Its simple, effective, requires little time and space, and pretty much anyone can do it.

50 push-ups

50 sit-ups

50 squats

50 burpees

do it all as fast as you can. You can even time yourself so you can try to beat it next time.

Push-ups: Do them from your toes if you can, if you need to modify, from that position drop your knees to the ground and go from there. Aim to get full range of motion, which means getting your chest as close to the floor as possible. Remember to keep your body as straight as you can through the movement, don’t bend at your waist.

Sit-ups: Lay flat on your back, knees bent so feet are flat on the ground. I don’t like the traditional sit-up where you put your hands behind your head because for most people this will cause them to flex their neck forward the whole time. Instead, I prefer to keep my hands and arms free, and use them to help creating momentum to complete the movements.

Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider and squat down so your thighs are at least parallel with the ground (further if you can). Focus on keeping your heels on the ground and keeping your chest up. Hold your arms out in front of you to help maintain balance.


Burpees: From standing, you crouch and place hands on the ground and kick legs back to push-up position. From there drop your chest to the ground, then push yourself back up and pull your knees toward your chest back to the crouch position. Then stand and jump. A modification of this is to simply drop down to flat on the ground and get up and jump. The key for these is to keep moving.



The Oil Revolution

Essential oil that is… I am a skeptical chiropractor.  For some who think chiropractic is fringe, I am sure that sounds like an oxymoron of sorts.  But I like the scientific evidence that supports a hypothesis, at the very least a theoretical basis that makes sense.  If there is Biblical support that always assists me as well, and thus I am one who does like to dig for evidence before I accept.

This is one of the major reasons I always teach a somewhat cautious approach to electro-dermal screening that takes place in so many Naturopath offices.  ZYTO scans, Avatar, ELAST to name a few (a complete list can be found here – ).  Basically, there is nothing published that supports their efficacy, but worse, there is no written theory.  So even though these machines can sometimes produce a result that seems to make sense, I am always VERY cautious about them, and though I have been tested haf a dozen times, I still don’t “trust” the results.

That being said, you now get that I am a skeptic.  But, I am an oil using, skeptic.  One that has been breathing a combination of eucalyptus, and lavender through an inhalation device for 13 years.  Spring is when it comes out, every year for that length of time.  And now suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of an oil revolution.  A few months ago, I told someone “yeah, I have seen this before, it will fade away in a few months, and nobody except the committed will care about oils”.  Well, I was wrong.  This truly is a revolution… and an exciting one as there is symptomatic relief available that people demand (I’ll circle back on this in a minute).

However, it requires a few boundaries before you go crazy.  I do look at reality through the eyes of others amazing experiences as well as limitations; and I tend to maintain an overly optimistic reality, so it works well for my hope for you and your health, and ultimately our results in our office reflect that hope, as do the results of those I consult with.  But for this focus, we have two main points that need to be discussed first.  The philosophy of health with which you approach life, and the limitation of matter that exists with oils, just like with other supplements or remedies.

First, the philosophy of health.  A large majority of you, believe that health comes from the outside in.  Now I want to stop, because you must understand that you have to believe ONE or the OTHER.  You either believe it is outside in, or you believe it is inside out.  Sure, you can say that it is a combination of both, but you still have to draw a line in the sand and stand on one side or the other when it comes down to your core.  Do you “NEED” something to come from the outside?  Or do you depend more heavily on what is happening on the inside?

I am an INSIDE OUT guy, through and through.  I will trust this body to work without anything added to it, more than I will ever trust the thing that we are bringing in to try to assist it.  I guess it comes down to Christ in the desert for me.  I believe that after 40 days of fasting, Christ was healthy still.  Not supernaturally healthy, just healthy.  He had nothing coming in, so for me, it is a sign of INSIDE OUT health.

Next – the limitation of matter.  I have a varicose vein in my leg, it is a bad one, and I have attempted to do many things to help it over the years, and it has simply worsened over time.  My father has the same, there is a genetic disposition here, and it is one that has been referenced over the years.  Even though I am a phenotype expression kind of guy when it comes to epi-genetics, I know that I am simply here because it is imprinted on my genes.  This is a limitation of matter.  The cells and tissues are not capable of infinite change, but rather infinite capacity for healing based on the healing organ… the brain, transcribing your DNA into healthy cells.  It just so happens that this is imprinted on the DNA being transcribed by my brain.

Now, back to the oil revolution.  I think everyone should have a host of oils in their midst.  The reasons are not because you are going to get miraculous healing, yes it might come, but I wouldn’t rest all of your hopes there.  Most testimonials for healing from an oil, or from a new nutritional product, or from a new light therapy, or from a new physical therapy… could have come from any one of those.  Meaning that the body needed a step towards health, not necessarily a specific step towards health.  Let me clarify.

I love the pursuit of health in all areas.  I like that there is a scientific reason why an oil could assist in an area, as well as the science behind nutrition.  I enjoy the areas where we have learned the “why” or “how” behind the result.  That being said, I also enjoy “faith” in these areas, and thus a combination of the two is where the hope comes from.  Now, if my body is very devoid of the molecules it needs to function normally, then bringing any of these molecules in will allow it an opportunity to improve.  However, as we move a body closer and closer to having everything it needs, the only way to further improve, is to provide specific molecules.  And actually, some of the molecules that were used to gain early results might need to be removed to further results.  This occurs when “health” products with ingredients that are less than clean or pure, are used.  The market is FLOODED with products like this.

For the above reason, I do not like the term essential when used with oils because it perhaps makes us think it is essential to the body, vs. considering it is the essence of a plant.

I do want to make this point very clear.  Every single time an oil is used in place of a drug, and the desired effects are attained, it is an awesome and clear step towards health, and away from illness.  Drugs do not heal, they suppress symptoms, and every single drug has a side effect.  So with my mission – “Changing the way the world perceives health, while showing honor and glory to God and my family”; it is a huge benefit to see somebody who would treat with a medication, move to using an oil, and gain the needed impact.

This laundry list on Dr. Mercola’s site for Oil Uses is a good place to start.  We will have somebody in our office on April 20th, helping you sift through the uses and possible assistance for you to be gained through oils.

Dr. Mercola – Oil Uses

Be well and be blessed! – Dr. E

“You Don’t Catch Cancer”


The United States keeps trying to figure out an effective, affordable way to pay for health care but the bottom line is they never will!

There is a combination of too many sick people and too many that are not “really” ill but feel sick due to a destructive lifestyle. The only way to fix the situation is to start creating less sick people! We cannot solve it just by trying to figure out the best type of insurance.

These are the opening words in this recent article, “You Don’t Catch Cancer.”  They may come across as strong, but it is truth! Everyone is aware we desperately need health care reform in this country, but their idea of reform is more access to the already broken system. I liked how our intern Marshall put it, our current healthcare system is like the Titanic, and everyone in the government thinks the answer is getting us all on the boat!

You’ve heard us say this before, the medical model is not health care it is SICK care.

While some sick care will always be necessary, sick care alone is a model that has failed. We have to get people well before they end up sick and have them use less drugs and need fewer hospitals, not more.

Cancer is perhaps the clearest example of this. The only way to win this battle is to not get the disease in the first place! This can be accomplished a great deal of the time. Early detection is better than late, but early detection still means one thing: You have the illness! If even one cancer cell gets out of control, as Otis Brawley of the American Cancer Society states, that one cell “is smarter than 100 brilliant cancer scientists.” But the good news is that your whole body is smarter than that one cell. A healthy body makes thousands of cancer cells every single day, but that same healthy body destroys those cells and keeps them at bay.

Healthcare needs to be the pursuit of the healthy body that can kill cancer effectively, that can function optimally, and can heal appropriately. This is why we care so much about the condition of your spine. So your immune system can kill cancer, so your organs are functioning, and so your body is healing, from the inside out. We believe in the 5   essentials of health, nutrition, exercise, healthy mind and soul, minimizing toxins, and functioning nervous system as the most important essential.

I know we preach on this often, but it is so crucial to keep the focus on correction because of the health it provides, and the diseases that we are avoiding!

-Dr. Mark

Fox News – Fit men = less cancer

Obesity Increases risk of cancer, likewise… fitness decreases risk

According to a study in JAMA Oncology from researchers at The University of Vermont, found a correlation between higher cardiorespiratory fitness, and lower incidence of cancer.  The cancers that were reviewed in this study were prostate, colorectal (colon is most prevalent in this category), and lung.

Before going any further, I want to point out that there are a significant number of studies that relate lung and colorectal cancers to lifestyle choices.  Less that do the same for prostate, but nonetheless, you should not be surprised by the results of this study.

The study points out that men with better CRF (cardiorespiratory fitness) who did develop these cancers, were less likely to die from the cancer as well.  Concluding that regular exercise is continuing to be supported as very important to cardiovascular health, which continues to be shown as important for overall health, or as I would say in this case, immune health.

“This is important because more and more data is coming out that regular exercise is important to prevent cancer,” said Dr. Dale Shepard, an oncologist at Cleveland Clinic who did not take part in the study.


Since previous research has found sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of cancer, Shepard emphasized the importance of good heart health and recommended eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a normal weight to decrease cancer risk.

“What that means is if you have a job where you sit all day long, we’re finding that even if you exercise for an hour or so afterward, you still have risk,” Shepard said. “So really, you have to think about both things – being active but not being inactive.”

Tying the sedentary lifestyle back in to the risk, is a huge step for Dr. Shepard.  He correctly refers to prior research that shows that when calculating risk, you don’t just limit the risk because of the exercise, you still increase the risk because of the 8 hours of sitting prior to that.  My response for you is not to quit your job, though it might make sense anyways.  But to find ways to increase your activity in your job.

I am a huge fan of the stand up desk.  This is a great option with great reviews to get it started –

be sure to consider your ergonomics, height of the monitor, and the keyboard.  In addition, make regular changes from your desk to some other movement.  Research shows that moving more often, makes you more productive than if you stay put in an attempt to be more productive.

I Don’t Have Time to Exercise

The number one reason individuals stop pursuing improvement in CRF through exercise, is time.  Well, you don’t have that excuse with my workout recommendations.  From 5-25 minutes is all you need, 4-5 times a week, and you will become fit.  Extremely fit if you escalate your intensity over time.  Just review these WORKOUT OF THE WEEK options, and jump in.

Actually, if you are a runner (and I mean this in the most offensive way possible), and have forsaken all other fitness modalities, then you need to do this too.  You should read the truth about endurance exercise first from Dr. Mercola, then consider fixing the long endurance issue with some short boughts.  For those of you who are not runners, but you fall into the classification of people “who like to run”, then that means you still do more than just run for fitness.  Good job.

Oh, the same goes for you cyclists.  I have never watched the winners of the Tour De France spraying champagne all over the podium and thought, “Boy they have an incredible physique”.  But I have surely thought “look at the ridiculous lack of proportion from their thighs to their bi’s”.  Lean muscle mass has also been implicated in longevity.  Mark’s Daily Apple summed that up pretty well in this article – Lean Muscle

So the long and short of it – you will reduce your cancer risk if you improve CRF.  You can do it better in an average of 10 minutes a day than an hour.  And you better get up from that desk you are sitting at.

Be well and Be blessed – Dr. E

Grow your own

Its time to start thinking about your vegetable garden.  Or in my case, time to get my pumps fully operational, my grow beds leak proof, and my tower garden loaded.  I am a believer in producing your own vegetables, for the purpose of cleanliness, as well as for the purpose of increased nutrient density.

My regular readers know that I love to grow my own vegetables from both my tower garden, as well as from my aquaponics garden.  The tower garden is one that you can have to, just click the link below and order one today.  You don’t have to be a green thumb, just have about an hour to set it up, and you are good.  Seeds go straight in, no need to start them off.



But, what about this aquaponics thing.  You might have seen it in action if you have been to Epcot and done the Living with the land tour.  Towards the end, the tour boat goes outside, and as it is heading out, you pass an aquarium full of fish on the left, with plants in rows above.  The water and nutrient is derived entirely from the water that the fish swim in.  Water = water… and well… poop = nutrient.  Fish poop, which isn’t quite so bad sounding, well not to me anyways.

The waste of the fish provide the perfect nutrition for the plants growing in the beds.  When I first saw this at Epcot years ago, I thought it was cool, but didn’t think “I gotta get me one of these!” (in the voice of Flyn Rider from Rapunzel).   Instead, there was no thought, until a couple years later when one of my interns just happened to be well versed in the aquaponics world.  Cool stuff this aquaponics.  He had helped many set up home gardens, so it was only natural that I would do the same.

A pond with 300 gallons of water, and about 40 fish from a 10″ koi down to a 1″ minnow (yes, if you followed my Great Blue Heron saga in the fall, I think I only lost a few fish), is all it takes to produce a significant volume of food.  All you need is the sunlight.  as the season progresses, I will post some video and pictures of this years setup.  But for now, the key is to understand the process in case you want to pursue this.

Water is pumped from the pond into a watertight grow bed that is actualy a concrete based design stamped to look like stone from the outside, and it is actually nothing but stone on the inside.  Pea gravel to be exact.   This holds the roots tightly when the plants grow.  There is no need for soil, because, once again, all nutrition comes from the pond.  The water fills my upper grow bed on a timer system, to the point of flooding the bed, then drains to the lower bed.  where there is a constant flow of water back to the pond.  The water has now been filtered clean leaving all of the waste/nutrient in the beds, and returning clean water to the pond.

Interesting I hope.  However, if you want to try to grow an abundance of food without this kind of effort, try the tower garden.  The $500 tower garden will pay for itself in one season if you maintain it, and be more than worth it if you move it inside to a protected well lit area through the winter.  I run it from April til November outside, next to my kitchen.  Harvesting a tower garden is more of an exercise in restraint than anything.  Prune your food versus pick a bunch, and it will come back over and over again.  The mechanism is similar to my garden, but the nutrient is added.  Organic vitamins and minerals into the water, which is pumped to the top of the garden, and cascades down moistening the roots and providing all the nutrients needed.

I enjoy the idea of being completely self sustaining, though it won’t happen yet.  I have taken a decent chunk of the food needs into my own hands with these two gardening methods.  I hope you will dig into your own gardening this year.
Be well and Be blessed! – Dr Eric