Juice Plus – Folic Acid vs Folate

Interesting story from today.  A distributor of mine (yes, I actually have a team of people out telling the world about Juice Plus, along with other things like the 60 Day Turnaround), sent me a text from someone complaining about juice plus because they saw it contained folic acid, not folate.  Which I found funny.

Funny, because they likely didn’t do any research, just read it somewhere, saw it, “who knows” it… and responded.  So I thought, “huh, I don’t recall juice plus adding anything other than to assist in preserving, or in sustaining the capsule, what is this about?”

So I did some digging, and before sharing what I found, I first want to express the difference between folic acid and folate.  Folic acid, to many of you, is something you want.  Especially pregnant women pre-conception and early development.  Folic acid however, is the synthetic version of folate.   Commonly referred to as Vitamin B9,   Folate/Folic acid is used to synthesize and repair DNA among other things.  Making it crucial in developmental stages.

Considering that, we can see the value is obvious to have it in your system.  Now here, before we go any further… WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?

From the NIH : Food
Folate is found naturally in a wide variety of foods, including vegetables (especially dark green leafy vegetables), fruits and fruit juices, nuts, beans, peas, dairy products, poultry and meat, eggs, seafood, and grains (Table 2) [3,7]. Spinach, liver, yeast, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts are among the foods with the highest levels of folate.

FOOD ITEM/McG per serving/% Daily Volume

Brussels sprouts, frozen, boiled, ½ cup 78 20
Lettuce, romaine, shredded, 1 cup 64 16
Avocado, raw, sliced, ½ cup 59 15
Spinach, raw, 1 cup 58 15
Broccoli, chopped, frozen, cooked, ½ cup 52 13
Mustard greens, chopped, frozen, boiled, ½ cup 52 13
Green peas, frozen, boiled, ½ cup 47 12

This chart and the statements above, are reasons why the best source is to eat it, and to eat it naturally, or the next best thing is Juice Plus.  So why did they find folic acid in it?  Because folic acid is added in the form of the small amounts of grain added to the product, which is insignificant compared to the actual amount of folate present in the product.

So why does Juice Plus not state that they have folate in it?  Because the nature of the juice plus product is to state what food is in it.  They DO NOT separate vitamins and minerals, because they are all in there because they all occur naturally in the food.  As a culture we have grown so used to lists of stuff that we want to take, such as a supplement list.  That we have forgotten how to trust the best source, the food.

The volumes of research in the Juice Plus world, showing the value of supplementing this way, outshine all others.  Period.  This citation from the the Journal Nutrition had demonstrated an increase in blood folate as well as a reduction in homocysteine, a marker for heart disease.

This is important and significant information for all of you who have a heart disease concern and or risk.  Get yourself eating 13 servings a day of vegetables and fruit, and add Juice Plus at 1 capsule = one serving to make up the difference.  Questions?  Reach out to me, I can answer.

Be well and Be blessed! – Dr. E

J Nutr. 2003 Nov;133(11):3725; author reply 3726. A mixed fruit and vegetable concentrate increases plasma antioxidant vitamins and folate and lowers plasma homocysteine in men.Samman S, Sivarajah G, Man JC, Ahmad ZI, Petocz P, Caterson ID. Human Nutrition Unit, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia. s.samman@mmb.usyd.edu.au Fruit and vegetable consumption is inversely associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of supplementation with dehydrated juice concentrates from mixed fruit and vegetables on selected plasma vitamins and antioxidant status. We assessed CHD risk by measuring the concentrations of homocysteine, lipids, lipoproteins, glucose and insulin. Men were recruited to participate in a randomized double-blind, crossover trial with 2 periods of 6 wk, separated by a 3-wk wash-out period. Supplementation with the encapsulated mixed extract (Juice Plus) was compared with physically similar placebo capsules. Thirty-two men (13 smokers, 19 nonsmokers) completed the study with a mean compliance of 88%. Compared with placebo, supplementation increased the concentrations of plasma beta-carotene (0.24 +/- 0.15 vs. 1.12 +/- 0.70 micro mol/L; mean +/- SD; and folic acid (24.5 +/- 10.0 vs. 44.9 +/- 16.9 nmol/L; P < 0.0001). Plasma homocysteine was reduced (8.2 +/- 1.5 vs. 7.6 +/- 1.1; P < 0.05) and inversely related (r = -0.40, P < 0.001) with serum folate concentrations.

Miracle Supplement?

I am not sure how I stumbled on this supplement story today, these days it could be social media, google ads, spam… who knows.  But I was intrigued just enough to want to check it out, to see if it was a paid ad, or an actual article.  In the end, I still don’t know the answer to that question.

The answer that I do have, is just how intriguing a story can be made by adding a few good references to the character and pedigree of the main character as it were… researcher in this case, and it creates a pretty exciting story.

So the supplement that I am discussing, is a product designed to increase the sirtuins in the blood stream.  Sirtuin, as stated in this wikipedia article, basically are associated withe these processes:

Sirtuins have been implicated in influencing a wide range of cellular processes like aging, transcription, apoptosis, inflammation[7] and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations.[8] Sirtuins can also control circadian clocks and mitochondrial biogenesis.

What this means to you, is that through an increase in sirtuins, you will age slower, have more energy, have less inflammation, reduce your risk of heart disease, increase your likelihood of longevity, and will retain better hormonal function until you die.

Of course, it would make sense to increase sirtuins then.  Lets make a drug and go for it!  Well, basically, that is what this group has done, they have come up with the supplement that does just that.  But even though it is a supplement, as I looked closely, I think this product might deserve a spot on the pharmaceutical shelf.

It really comes down to how powerful the compound is, and how dangerous it is found to be… over time.

Efforts to develop a drug that can have the same effect, without the lack of calories, have been going on for the last two decades, including at Sirtris and GlaxoSmithKline. There are also natural compounds that elevate sirtuins—one is resveratrol, which is already sold as a dietary supplement today. Another is called NAD.

Resveratrol has been shown to be a safe supplement.  I like to get my resveratrol through my food and then my juice plus, as it is naturally occurring at good levels in those dark red/blue/purple fruits (vineyard blend).    NAD however, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is one of those compounds that just might cause a more significant increase in sirtuins than the average fermented grape.

But as I was alluding to earlier, it requires time to determine whether this compound belongs on a shelf that anybody has access to, or if it should be on a shelf that requires you to stop and say, “hmmmm, should I be taking this product?”

As you know, I pretty much hate the system of medicinal this and medicinal that, that rules our country.  But, I also appreciate that we should consider any substance one that needs to be put under a microscope if not simply food.  That is why I am so SLOW to support supplements.  I trust that God has a better plan, every time.  So, as I consider this new supplement, I find myself thinking, “it would be great in how it could help people… it seems high risk at this point in time… or perhaps it is just hyped and really will have minimal impact”.

Oh, by the way.  The most commonly researched way to increase sirtuins is to go on a reduced calorie diet.  A diet that in research has been a reduction in calories… carbohydrate calories (simply because that is what most people eat), to improve these numbers.   So, if you are intrigued by the idea of anti-aging through an increase in sirtuins.  Cut your calories.

Be well and Be blessed!  – Dr. E

More on Milk

Written by Dr. Mark

Referenced article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/03/08/switching-to-raw-milk.aspx


I recently wrote about milk, and talked about the sugar content and lack of fat in anything but whole milk, and compared it to any other sugary drink. So we should definitely avoid any reduced fat milk. But there was still some question about other milk, like whole milk or raw milk. Its still not simple yes or no, as with many things it depends on the consumer.

But before I go there, the first question, raw vs. conventional. Raw milk is definitely preferred to conventional pasteurized milk. Besides the fact that it tastes great and can be fun to obtain (visiting a farm) it also offers some health benefits. The main reason is because the beneficial bacteria is left unharmed. Raw milk also contains all the fat, unaltered. As I talked about in the previous article on milk, this is what helps prevent the insulin spike you’d get from a reduced fat milk. The article I referenced actually doesn’t go into much more detail on the benefits of raw milk, but talks more about how it has been labelled unsafe, and basically how that label is wrong.

As more Americans demand the right to purchase and consume food of their own choosing, increasing numbers of states are introducing legislation to loosen restrictions regarding intrastate sales of raw milk. Raw milk, by the way, is the only food banned from interstate commerce.

Bills in favor of making it easier for consumers to obtain raw milk are pending in at least a dozen states, from Hawaii to Utah to Wisconsin.

IDFA is actively opposing the legislative efforts and, not surprisingly, has sent letters to state committees warning that allowing raw milk sales would be “opening up consumers to the inevitable consequence of falling victim to a foodborne illness.”4

Really? Frye quotes data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to show how “dangerous” raw milk is, but the CDC is well known for putting out misleading data regarding raw milk.

Public health agencies had previously stated there were 21 reported illnesses linked to raw milk in Minnesota from 2001 to 2010. But that doesn’t exactly scream “danger,” does it? A CDC study then claimed more than 20,500 Minnesotans were actually sickened.5

How they arrived at this number demands scrutiny. If a person was sickened by campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7 or salmonella during the study period, and had consumed raw milk in the week before, the illness was blamed on raw milk (even though many foods could have caused the illness).

Even using the above criteria, this only raised the illness to 530, which were then multiplied based on an assumption that the illnesses were underreported. The Food Business News article then goes on to make a statement that:6

“It seems in this day and age with food safety front and center after Chipotle’s recent situations, and other issues with Listeria in ice cream and cheese and E. coli on leafy vegetables, consumers would want to err on the side of caution.”

This explains the absurdity behind raw milk bans in a nutshell. You can get sick from eating any food — a burrito, a piece of cheese, a fresh salad or, yes, even a bowl of pasteurized ice cream.

I think that last statement sums it up well. You can get sick from any food, will that stop us from eating? I think it i similar to how people stay away from certain exercises, like crossfit, for fear of injury. The simple truth is you can get injured doing a whole lot of things, but that doesn’t keep us from participating. We can’t live life in fear of what could happen. If we are pursuing health, when “sickness” or and injury comes (which no one is immune to either) we can get through it much better.

So back to the question of whether or not we should be drinking milk at all? The article sums it up nicely:

Truth be told, many people should not consume dairy whether it is raw or pasteurized, as they are allergic to the milk proteins. Additionally, if you’re insulin resistant, you would likely be better off avoiding raw and pasteurized milk, as it contains the dairy sugar lactose, which can worsen insulin/leptin resistance.

However, if you are healthy and want to drink milk, raw milk from a high-quality source is generally superior in nutrition and flavor. It will also help to decrease the likelihood of insulin spikes from the milk sugar, courtesy of the thick layer of cream on top. Raw dairy farmer Max Kane explained:

“The cream is perhaps the most important part of the milk because the cream is where all the energy is that’s needed to digest the milk protein casein. That’s why it’s important to consume full-fat dairy products instead of non-fat or skim dairy products. The cream is also responsible for regulating the sugar absorption into your blood. It decreases the likelihood of insulin spikes.

The cream naturally floats to the top of the milk, and it can be skimmed right off the top. Traditionally, people would use the cream line as a visual aid to help them assess the quality of the milk … Homogenization [is] an industry process that fractionates the cream molecule, the fat molecule, into small little pieces.

This was done for the purpose of making the cream line non-detectable to the human eye … That’s how they standardized the milk, by taking away the viewable quality assessment from the consumer, and ultimately left the consumer with no real visual way to assess the quality and the value of the milk.”

Thanks for reading.

  • Dr. Mark

The unknown causes of cancer

I have many discussions with people about cancer.  Either cancer patients who I am working with, or patients who have had prior cancers, or have a family member with cancer.  I realized last week that I have these questions/discussions every single day.  Last week the discussion came about lymphoma.

“What causes lymphoma?”

“I honestly don’t know.  Most of what I have read is non-descript, with little consistency from study to study, very little commitment to cause in the world of oncology, and even so in the world of alternative views of lymphoma.”

“Are there known risk factors?”

“Well, yes there are, but without definitive reasons.”

“Like what?”

“well… humira.”

Humira is just one drug that has been shown to increase risk of lymphoma among other things, based on this simple statement from their website:

You should discuss the potential benefits and risks of HUMIRA with your doctor. HUMIRA is a TNF blocker medicine that can lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections. You should not start taking HUMIRA if you have any kind of infection unless your doctor says it is okay.

This statement is the key.  The big kahuna.  Think about the application of this drug, used whenever somebody is suspected of having an “over-active” immune system.  Auto-immune conditions that make sense to conventional thinking, that the best treatment is to stop the immune system.

Psoriasis, lupus, arthritis of other types, Chron’s Disease, Ulcerative colitis, celiac… all auto-immune conditions.

But consider what you know from our teachings.  How is the immune system so dumb in these conditions?  This is one of the smartest systems in God’s repertoire of creation.  Yet we seemingly have stupid immune systems running all over the place.  So stupid that instead of us trying to educate the immune system, we resort to trying to kill it.

  • Cancer. For children and adults taking TNF blockers, including HUMIRA, the chance of getting lymphoma or other cancers may increase. There have been cases of unusual cancers in children, teenagers, and young adults using TNF blockers. Some people have developed a rare type of cancer called hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma. This type of cancer often results in death. If using TNF blockers including HUMIRA, your chance of getting two types of skin cancer (basal cell and squamous cell) may increase. These types are generally not life-threatening if treated; tell your doctor if you have a bump or open sore that doesn’t heal.

If you are wondering what TNF is, it is part of the inflammatory process in the human body.  The natural immune response.  More specifically, it is Tumor Necrosis Factor.

Necrosis = Death.  Thus, Tumor Death Factor.  Sounds like something you might want to encourage to work better, not suppress… doesn’t it?

It hit me in the conversation, that many people take for granted the value of the symptom control when taking a medication, and thus take for granted the risk of further damage.  Usually due to a lack of concern up front.  Who is to blame for the person who does die from a side effect?  Some studies have estimated side effect deaths to be at 600,000 people per year in America, including a large percentage of all heart disease and cancer deaths.

My reason for writing this is not to say that you never have a good enough “why” to take a drug like Humira.  But you should surely consider the other options first that might decrease your need for this drug.

We have seen celiac patients completely healed, and back consuming small amounts of gluten without any side effects.  Likewise, we have seen lupus reversed… or better yet.  I have had patients with a diagnosis along the lines of lupus, or psoriatic arthritis who I have been able to find a different underlying disease. I have two cases where patients were taking immuno-suppressing drugs, without having clear auto-immune diagnoses.  But rather suspected diagnoses.  We ordered Lyme disease tests, and got strong positives for Lyme.

What does this mean?  The treatment they were taking to suppress their immune systems were actually making the process worse, giving opportunity for Lyme disease to wreak more havoc.  You want a strong immune system in those situations.

And to finally bring it full circle to the comment at the beginning about a dumb immune system.  You see, the immune system is inherently smart.  God made it that way.  We have poisoned it with poor input, and faulty readings through our chemicals, and our vaccine adjuvants, and our assault on the human intestine.  We have made it dumb because we have broken all the rules.

The answer to reducing these auto-immune conditions first lies within.  Making our immune systems smart again.  And avoiding all the unnecessary garbage, actually, I should call it necessary… necessary to avoid.  That garbage, when removed, will give way for healing.

Come join our next workshop series if you missed this 60 Day Turnaround, and learn more than you thought possible.  Health is a step away.  Start with your nervous system, move to your diet, and clean up the rest.

Be well and Be blessed!  – Dr. E


I did a workshop last night at Johnson Ferry Baptist church and one topic that I was asked to discuss were allergies.  Food allergies, respiratory allergies, skin allergies… plain old allergies.  Substances that when introduced into the body in some way shape or form, result in the inflammatory response that causes problems.

I pulled up these graphs to help our discussion, as my focus was understanding how food can impact an allergy.  I think I dreamed about this topic as well… think.  I cannot pinpoint the dream, but nonetheless I woke with more in my head about allergies than when I went to sleep.  🙂

This CDC graph shows us how significant the increase in prevalance has been in the allergy world with children.

db10_fig4 (3)

With increases like this we have to assume something is wrong.  Food related allergies are becoming a bigger and bigger nightmare, and in my estimation, they will continue to as long as the population continues to destroy their gut lining with toxic foods.  GMO’s, preservatives, colors, and others.  Gluten was never a problem, but it was always problematic.

What I mean is that gluten is an irritating molecule.  It causes inflammation no matter what, but inflammation is still just inflammation, it isn’t an allergy.  But… suddenly, we are in this place where the gluten problem is a serious problem with celiac patients growing at huge numbers.  Nut allergies as well.

The cause.

Introducing a protein molecule into an intestine with no hope of keeping that protein inside the gut.  Meaning, the individual has irritated their intestinal lining so much from their diet, from chemical ingestion, that the lining that protects you from absorbing these molecules is now letting them in.  Once in the bloodstream the body sees this molecule as an attacker, and creates an antibody to the molecule.

Babies who have allergies the VERY FIRST TIME they are introduced a molecule, they immediately have an allergy.  This is contrary to what all conventional wisdom has said about allergies, but we now understand that these molecules have likely passed into this child many times.  Through a mom who irritated her gut (think red drinks from the gas station, think trans fats in the chocolates that mom was eating, think arsenic in the chicken you buy from Chick-fil-a), and then continued to eat these molecules during pregnancy.

WHY doesn’t mom have allergies though?  Her body has identified this food as food so many times before the gut irritation, that her body knows it is food.   This is the reason why somebody with pollen allergies can reduce the impact in many cases by eating bee pollen.  You re-train your body to see it as food, not as an attack.

In this situation, the one above with in utero allergy training occurring, it is hard to reverse this trend.  So what about those other allergies, respiratory, skin?  The reality is that food allergies tend to drive the other allergies more than people realize.  The irritation that comes through the gut is systemic.


The gut needs to be healed.

Healing has many appearances and multiple directions.  allergytest.co is a good test to start with and see what you shouldn’t be eating.  Also – you should consider the suero viv cleanse – http://healthsprout.youngevityonline.com/

From there, if you have questions, do a consult with me.  Or, just begin to eliminate foods and see what happens.  Life change is what I would expect.

Be Blessed and Be Well! – Dr. E

The TOXIN within

I taught the Detox 1 Class this Wednesday night to my 60 Day Turnaround people.  I had a few ideas pop up for a Daily Sprout. One was to get deep into the idea of toxicity, and to get into the idea of detoxification, as it relates to the TOUGH toxins.  The ones that don’t just go away.

Mercury, Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Uranium… all are persistent toxins.  Once they get into your system they don’t just come out easily.  The reality is that these toxins are potentially the worst causes of cancer as well as massive auto-immune conditions.   For the purpose of this daily sprout, I am going to simply focus on the sources of these toxins, not the direct cause effect process of each toxin.

Mercury tends to continue to impact people from their dental work more than anything.   Amalgam fillings, or other dental components made from amalgam… posts and bridges used in more advanced dental work might have amalgam material.  Mercury vapor from these dental additions can be very dangerous to your health.   In addition, mercury still exists in some vaccines, most notably the multi vial flu shot.

bucket theory

Aluminum is most commonly absorbed from antiperspirant, or from food containers such as cans or tin foil.  Aluminum has been implicated in Alzheimer’s disease.  Also, aluminum can be found in most vaccines.

Arsenic is acquired most commonly through chicken.  Any chicken that isn’t organic, or any chicken eggs that aren’t organic.

Lead through children’s toys… think Disney with a China stamp.

Cadmium through batteries, and Uranium through fertilizers or radon gas.

The goal for you from this Daily Sprout, should simply be to reduce it all.  Your liver is not designed for what we have done to it and the only way to protect yourself, is to actually take this serious.  Chicken from Zaxby’s?  No.  That includes Chick-fil-a… there is NO value or safety in this garbage.  Reduce the toxin, step towards the health that you deserve.

100 years ago, none of these chemicals existed in our daily life.  Today, you come in contact with over 5,000 separate chemicals everyday.

I urge you to stop.

Be well and be blessed!  – Dr. E


Milk; Good or Bad?

Written by milk Dr. Mark

I cam across this article Harvard Scientist Urging People to Stop Drinking Low-Fat Milk Immediately. It can be found here:  http://www.realfarmacy.com/why-harvard-scientists-say-you-need-to-stop-drinking-low-fat-milk-immediately/


There’s some good information in there. I especially like how he first points out the fact that sugar sweetened beverages are horrible for your health, and that its recommended to never drink these types of drinks.

As David Ludwig mentioned in his research, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, there have been countless pieces of research concluding the ill effects of sugar-sweetened beverages. The over-consumption of sugar has been tied to obesity, diabetes, inflammatory-related pain, and much more. And because of sugar’s negative effects on our health, even the United States Department of Agriculture, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other organizations are recommending against consuming calories from sugary drinks.

He then goes on to talk about how milk is pushed and it is recommended to drink 3 cups a day. But the big problem is that they are recommending reduced-fat milk.

“This recommendation to drink three cups a day of milk – it’s perhaps the most prevailing advice given to the American public about diet in the last half century. As a result, Americans are consuming billions of gallons of milk a year, presumably under the assumption that their bones would crumble without them,” says David Ludwig.


As far as Ludwig is concerned, if the USDA is recommending to drink reduced-fat milk, it is also inadvertently encouraging the consumption of added sugars – a piece of advice that goes against all the research saying not to consume sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages. The idea of consuming low-fat milk or chocolate milk cancels out the whole reasoning for the recommendation in the first place since the fats are simply being replaced with dangerous sugars.


“The worst possible situation is reduced-fat chocolate milk: you take out the fat, it’s less tasty. So to get kids to drink 3 cups a day, you get this sugar-sweetened beverage,” Ludwig says. ”…we can get plenty of calcium from a whole range of foods. On a gram for gram basis, cooked kale has more calcium than milk. Sardines, nuts seeds beans, green leafy vegetables are all sources of calcium.”


I like a lot about what;s being said above. Drawing the connection between low fat milk and any other sugary drink, there really isn’t much of a difference. Second, that we can get just as much is not more calcium from vegetables. Our bones won’t begin to crumble if we stop drinking milk. And, if you are concerned with bone density, I’d suggest you start lifting some weights, this will also strengthen your bones.

I hope you get that there is no benefit in drinking reduced fat milk. What about whole milk? The best option would be whole raw organic milk if you can find it. When I lived in NY we would take a weekly trip to an Amish farm to get it. I loved the milk, and the fact that we could see the farm, and the cows out in the pasture (besides in the winter). We used it mainly for my kids as they were stopping to nurse. I’ve been told there’s a farmer that will sell raw milk at Bread Becker’s once a week but I haven’t tried it yet. The next best thing would be whole organic milk which can be bought at most grocery stores. We don’t use much milk in our house anymore, so we use this option.

Lastly, when in comes to milk, I like it a lot for my kids, its a great way for them to get some good fats and protein. For me, I rarely drink it, besides the little bit I’ll put in my coffee (which I like using heavy whipping cream because it has more fat and less sugar, but half and half works too), because it does have sugar in it as well.

-Dr. Mark


Suero Viv Time!

Join us in a Suero Viv connection!  The 60 Day Turnaround people are all going into the Suero Viv three day, and you know what… you should too.  It is time, you have been trying to get yourself on track for health in 2016.  You might have been killing it up to now, and the big need is to keep yourself on track, move forward and stay strong.

Why the suero viv?  This is the question that I think needs answering so that you can both

A.  Choose to do it with wisdom and understanding, thus commitment.  And…

B.  Defend your reasons for doing it to the people around you who will simply have no idea.

We do this first and foremost, to simply give your digestive tract a rest.   I think the Biblical thinking was the same.  Rest is a universal theme throughout the Bible.  Take time to rest and heal, recover.  Give your body a break.  I am awful at the idea of truly resting, but I understand its value, so I have become really good at resting my digestion.  Taking three days to digest nothing, to let my gut heal.  You don’t know how fantastic it feels until you do it.

The next, GREAT reason is to reduce inflammation.  You are inflamed.  Trust me.  We all are, but to what extent is hard to determine.  I had a participant lose 20# in a few days on the Straight 60.  My diet of low inflammation.  That person dropped ten more with the suero viv cleanse.  I am confident they would have dropped 30# in three days with suero viv.  That is a sign that the body absolutely hates something you are eating.

What if you drop 1#?  Then great, only 1# of inflammation.   Get it?  It is a test that you take, more than just a healing effort, you are taking a test.  A test to determine your inflammation issues.

I have issues, ones that I can’t control.  No, not those types of issues.  I mean health issues.  I have a leg with varicose veins that I have tried to control through stretching and massage, through compression, through dietary perfection, through supplementation, through oils, and of course through chiropractic.  Doesn’t matter.  It has only gotten worse and worse over time.   The thing that i know for certain, is that when on the suero viv, it gets better.  A significant amount better.  Which makes you wonder… “can man live on suero viv alone?”  Sadly, the answer is absolutely not.  It is great for a period.  Three days… thirty days.  I am interested in trying to take a patient to 45 days… with monitoring.  But after that, nutrient needs must be met.

The point, reiterating from above, is to heal inflammation and heal the gut.

The diet that we do, is a healing diet.  You will be better served if you first heal the gut.  Fix that, and fix everything.

Order it now, and get on board with us.  $90 – ish, but you eat nothing else for three days, which saves most people money actually.


The cleanse itself is also a probiotic bomb.  With anywhere between 20 Billion and 40 Billion probiotics, it can move you very far along the path to health, just by drinking six bottles a day, you will load your gut with good bacteria.

Keep it simple though, remember the basic reasons,   Be well and Be blessed!

Dr. E

60 Day Turnaround is HERE!!!!!

It is finally time to really dig in, to sink your teeth into the right path!  #rightpath (if you were wondering just how to share to the world your new crazy cool focus… laser)

Sorry, I get carried away with excitement sometimes.  So, here we are, you might have gone grain free for 60 days, or for some of you, years.  But have you gone dairy free that long?  Well of course you have you say.  Who hasn’t avoided dairy for a year or so at some point just to see if all the hype is true.

But how about dairy and grain free, followed by no root vegetables and no legumes (well a couple), and ultimately we want to be sure we don’t forget that there is only a handful of berries a day… no bananas, no grapes.  Now you are talking serious sugar correction, and really, the only thing that MUST happen to pave the way to a lifetime of health, prior to the next steps.

You might be scratching your head.  So lets break it down.

This Wednesday we begin the process of understanding the steps to correct sugar addiction, to then pave the way to a balanced diet that is RICH in nutrients, and allows you to enjoy cultural foods, without collapsing into the cultural trap.  This is the process of building health, understanding the steps to prevent disease, and to elevate your energy and your quality of life.

Be sure to watch Foundations I first – Foundations

The 60 day involves workshops, shopping trips, recipe night, and some exercise education.  It is designed to be a lifetime of change in 60 Days.  Just check out the awesome testimonials :  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKg_DazQBa74TYtmNcV5s6Q

(subscribe to our youtube channel now to see the new videos that will be uploaded over the next 60 Days)

It can also be done from anywhere in the world, many have, and many more will.  Just sign up here – https://squareup.com/market/healthsprout-llc/day-turnaround?square_lead=item_embed

I am excited to bring the start to this great path this Wednesday, the path that:

  • brings weight loss to those who need it
  • brings energy
  • reduces inflammation
  • builds lean muscle
  • brings increased nutrient density
  • brings increased detoxification
  • stops disease and begins to reverse it
  • balances hormones

This is just a taste of what is happening in your body during the 60 Day Turnaround.  Be excited and be motivated, and be well!

– Dr. E



Grass Fed might just be a single blade of grass.

The USDA revoked the Grass Fed food labeling that had become our new standard, just shortly after settling on this standard.  In what might be the worst case of giving up for nothing that we have ever seen.  Read through this release from the natural sustainable agricultural coalition’s website.  It is a bit hard to follow at first, but you’ll understand it as you get further in.


Washington, DC, January 12, 2016 – Today in the Federal Register, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) rescinds the labeling standard for grass fed meat that was developed over the course of four years and finalized, with the support of national farm and consumer organizations including NSAC, in 2006.

“Meat labeling just became even more confusing for farmers and consumers,” said Ferd Hoefner, Policy Director for the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. “USDA is revoking a label standard that had widespread farm and consumer support. Actions such as this take us into a Wild West situation, where anything goes and both farmers and consumers lose.”

In the Federal Register notice, AMS states that having a strong, clear, consumer-friendly labeling standard “does not facilitate the marketing of agricultural products in a manner that is useful to stakeholders or consumers” because a different USDA agency, the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS), must approve meat labels and “there is no guarantee that an USDA-verified production/marketing claim will be approved by FSIS.”

“The rationale that a strong USDA label standard for grass fed beef is not useful because it might not be recognized by a partner agency is outrageous,” said Hoefner. “It is both sad and true that these two USDA agencies often do not coordinate, and worse yet that in some cases FSIS has looked the other way, allowing particularly unscrupulous meat companies to abuse the USDA standard,” Hoefner said. “But the common sense solution is not to revoke the standard, but instead to tackle siloing and lack of interagency communication head-on.”

The Federal Register notice gives producers using the grass fed label 30 days to either convert the newly revoked USDA grass fed label claim into their own private grass-fed standard, or to develop a new grass fed standard of their own.

“Rather than bringing consistency and common sense to our food marketing system, USDA seems to be throwing in the towel,” said Hoefner. “This is terrible public policy that will create a multitude of non-uniform labels, which will open the door to more confusion and subterfuge in the marketplace. It is an affront to consumers, who have the right to know how their food is raised, and to the farmers whose innovation and hard work created the trusted grass fed label standard. NSAC and our member organizations believe this reversal is a detriment to a fair and transparent food system and we urge the USDA to come up with an alternative solution quickly.”

The grass fed label claim standard now being revoked was originally published in the Federal Register on May 12, 2006, the result of several years of meetings between farmers and farm and consumer organizations sponsored by AMS and facilitated by NSAC, as well as by a formal public notice and comment process. The standard stated among other things that grass, forbs, and forage needed to be 99 percent or more of the energy source for the lifetime of a ruminant species after weaning in order to qualify as grass fed. Prior to the setting of that standard, grain fed animals were often sold as grass fed, with USDA’s approval.


Basically, what this means, is that I as a local farmer, or a conglomerate, choose my grass fed label and my grass fed rules.  The standard is basically gone.  Which is why it all just got worse for everyone.  I had considered carrying beef on hand from Indian Creek Angus, the trusted farm that we have been buying from for years now (in our co-op cow shares and literally 99% of my personal/family beef consumption); so now my consideration went to definite.  I will be working out the details this week, as I will no longer be recommending purchase from any other source than one you can talk with.

Some of you might not know why this is so important.  Grass Fed provides you with so many benefits over conventional grain fed beef.  No chemically sprayed grain, the omega 6 content is greatly reduced, so much so that in the right animal, who has been nothing but grass fed for their entire life, the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fat can be 1 to 1.  This as compared to a 20 times higher omega 6 level than 3, in that of a grain fed animal.

The question then, becomes, how do we know if it is truly a grass fed animal?  And the label has been the only thing you could trust, but even prior to this change, the label only got you to a 4:1 ratio at best, and perhaps 10:1.  Meaning, a local farmer who can show you the truth, is way better than one who cannot.

We’ll be here to get your back, and your beef.  Be well and Be blessed!  – Dr. E

(read more – http://sustainableagriculture.net/blog/release-usda-revokes-grass-fed-label-standard/ )