What does it take to become a part of the 60 Day program?


Well, it starts with desire. A desire for change, for wellness, for a life committed to making you a healthier you. A desire for change is great, but the actual work begins with commitment. “My commitment is greater than my feelings in this moment.” The hardest part is saying yes!


Once you make the commitment, your journey begins!


The 60 Day Turnaround program runs for 8 weeks. Each week there will be a class where you will learn not only HOW to eat well, but you'll also learn WHY.


Nutrition is key! 99% of our health issues, disease and weight issues stem from improper nutrition. Knowledge is key! Educating ourselves on why eating the right foods makes a difference in our wellness gives us the power to make change and keep change in our daily nutrition.


For full lifestyle change affects, being active plays a major role in the results of your program, and not just in the area of weight loss. Exercising 3-5 days a week helps to promote the fat burning process and also increases energy levels, the ability to perform common daily tasks (squatting, reaching, etc) and creates a feeling of satisfaction and pride in yourself (good endorphins)!


Over the course of 60 days you will not only be taught how to lead a committed 60 Day program but you will be educated on why we make these changes and how they effect our bodies not just in the physical aspect but also mentally and emotionally. Food, sugar and eating habits are more of a comfort than we realize until it gets taken away. Having solid accountability and a group of others who have made the commitment along with you definitely helps make this 60 days seem shorter, more achievable and more rewarding!

Education is key! Knowing why we are doing what we are doing not only helps the process of the changes easier but it also helps give a line of defense when others question our new lifestyle choices and when we also begin to question ourselves (because it will happen!). Feeling confident in what we are doing and learning definitely makes for more achievable and reachable full program goals!


  • WHAT to eat and what not to eat.
  • WHAT your expectations should be.
  • WHAT goal setting should look like. HEALTH > WEIGHT LOSS
  • WHAT your lifestyle should look like after the 60 Day.

The WHY’S:

  • WHY your health depends on this lifestyle change.
  • WHY we avoid certain foods.
  • WHY these other choices are better for you.

The HOW’S:

  • HOW food and lifestyle choices truly effect your health.
  • HOW to make changes other than just in your food choices that will promote full body wellness in your everyday life.



60 Day Program

8 Weekly Training Classes

Knowledgeable Coaches to help guide you

Shopping Trip

Maximized Living Book

First BIA Test

Healthy Recipes and Fitness Guides



  • $15 Additional BIA Test
  • $15 60 Day Dinner/Recipe Night
  • $29 Additional Maximized Living Book


  • Contact the 60 Day Team to get your “Member” Discount Code